Thursday, April 7, 2011

Command-Click to Expand all iTunes Playlist Folders

In the Finder, Option-Clicking the disclosure triangle for a folder while in list view will reveal or close all its contents. In iTunes, Command-Clicking on just one Playlist Folder will do the same, but for all Playlist Folders in the iTunes sidebar.

Elsewhere in iTunes, this can be helpful when preparing to sync only selected content to an iPod, iPhone or iPad because iTunes defaults to showing all Playlist Folders expanded.

When a device is connected, the Music section for selecting which playlists to sync -- this is in the main part of the iTunes window, not the sidebar -- displays all Playlist Folders with their contents revealed. Here, too, a Command-Click on one Playlist Folder will close all of them.

[crarko adds: I tested this, and it works as described. I don't use Playlist Folders myself so this behavior is new for me.]

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